I came into this class with little knowledge about research, genre, and context. All I knew about the class was that it included a lengthy paper. I watched my friend complain about and struggle with her 10-page paper last semester. I couldn’t imagine writing a paper that length since I hadn’t before. As I reflect, months later. I see my growth as a writer. I understand research and genre, and I have completed my first ten-page paper which wasn’t even that bad. Okay, it was that bad but I did it. That’s the only thing that matters.
When Project 1 was first introduced, I couldn’t decide what I wanted to write about. Luckily, Mat included a free-write exercise in class that provided me with several ideas. Actually it served as my FIRST SHITTY DRAFT. The second best thing invented, with donuts being the first. I am so glad Mat taught us this concept. I was familiar with drafting before I took ENC 2135 but my previous teachers always expected first drafts to be “good” and coherent. I am one of those writers who usually gets stuck deciding what to write about and where to start so SHITTY FIRST DRAFTS are a lifesaver. I will definitely utilize this concept when drafting future papers.
After meeting with Mat regarding Project 1, I felt better about it. I was confident in my paper with the exception of my conclusion. In high school, I would write a great paper, but I would get points off for my conclusion. I have always had problems with the ending of my papers because I run out of words to say or I simply get lazy. Mat helped me overcome this. He provided me with a few suggestions, elaborating on ways I could enhance my conclusion for Project 1. He also encouraged me to be more specific in my paper. I took his advice and the added details gave it a more personal appeal. Overall, Project 1’s conference was helpful. I ended it up loving my Project 1 paper!
On the other hand, Project 2 was a pain. I dreaded starting it as well as completing it. It was my first time writing a research paper and it was my first time writing a paper of that length. I was confused on how to make the components of all the paper flow. Also, I was confused on how to incorporate genre into my paper. In other words, I was confused on the whole project. My conference with Mat provided me with a start. Because of the conference, I was able to complete the research paper. It was not the best research paper, but it wasn’t the worst either. I was still confused after the conference and that showed in disorganized paper. However, after making revisions, it is now a paper that I am proud. I now know how to write a great research paper, one that includes a balance of research and personal stories. Also, one that is organized and one that flows.
I really liked the revision system. I didn’t have to revise Project 1, but I did have to revise Project 2. I believe the opportunity to revise allows students to master the concepts they didn’t within their initial paper. It allows you to improve your grade too! That’s always a bonus.
Overall, Mat taught me how to have a voice in my writing regardless of the genre. I think this is what I value about the class. All three of my projects included some aspect of me, even my research paper. He also taught me how to be more detailed in my writing, a skill I’m sure I will apply to future papers.
I still don’t enjoy writing papers. However, I do believe after taking this class that I am a stronger writer.
I believe it is only fitting to end my reflection with a thank you to Mat. Not one of those thank you’s to get an A, but a genuine thank you. I didn’t like the content of ENC 2135, but I did enjoy Mat. He was understanding and he made difficult concepts easy to digest. His goal was for his students to get something out of the class and in my perspective he did just that.