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Blog #4-Composing Genres


Chapter 8 of The Bedford Book of Genres introduced “Composing in Genres,” which included information and steps regarding, rough drafting, annotating sources, choosing a genre to compose in, composing your genre piece, and composing an accompanying author’s statement. While all that new material was helpful, I found the section about rough drafts to be most interesting, considering I am currently completing a rough draft.

The book’s advice for rough drafting was similar to Anne Lamott’s advice in “Shitty First Drafts”; It highlighted the importance of creativity, and this idea of “quantity in words over quality of words.” Not only did they explain the concept of rough drafting but they included steps to accomplish a rough draft as well. The steps are as follows---you set your timer for 30 minutes and you simply write whatever comes to mind, without stopping. In layman’s terms, rough drafting is synonymous with free writing.

Mat introduced this idea of rough drafting in class last Friday and I actually enjoyed it.

I am relieved every time I am reminded that rough drafts are indeed meant to be rough, maybe even fun.

“Shitty First Drafts” and the modern idea of rough drafting in general, have provided me with a new attitude towards writing. I am no longer as worried or dreadful about constructing a first draft, if anything, I am slightly eager.


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