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Blog #6- "Consider the Lobster


“Consider the Lobster” was a lengthy article, but it proved to be quite informative. I unintentionally learned some new facts about lobster, but more importantly, I learned how to better construct my paper for Project 2. Basically, “Consider the Lobster,” exemplified the components of Project 2, resulting in further clarification. Reading the article made me consider a few potential complications regarding Project 2 as well. With so much information, as seen in “Consider the Lobster,” it is easy for Project 2 to become a tedious research paper. I know it can be hard to avoid a mundane tone in a research paper, but I am going to try to, if possible. Additionally, I noticed that the article encompassed a lot of research, primary research at that, which is one of the major components of Project 2. It will be difficult for me to complete the research paper if I do not have enough information, so it is vital that I gain a plethora of insight from my sources, specifically the interview I conduct.

Even though this article was not my favorite to read, I did find it be the most helpful thus far. I was not completely sure about how Project 2 should look overall; furthermore, now I have a model to refer to and follow.


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