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Blog #7- Exploring Topics and Creating a Research Proposal


I was confused on how to complete Project 2, more specifically, how to formulate a research proposal so, I decided to read Chapter 5 of The Bedford Book of Genres, “Exploring Topics & Creating a Research Proposal,” in an attempt to gain guidance and insight. Chapter 5 included four steps for choosing a topic: brainstorm topic ideas, explore topic ideas through preliminary research, commit to a single viable topic, and form a working research question, which I found to be quite helpful. Additionally, this chapter exemplified how to formulate a proposal from a research question by including a model of a student, Jasmine Huerta and her research project on Diabetes.

Mat had already introduced the concept of a research proposal in class; however, this chapter solidified what he was trying to communicate and answered any remaining questions I had.

Believe it or not, I was never required to complete a research proposal in any of my previous classes, so I needed the simple, yet informative steps that Chapter 5 incorporated. This chapter was not the most exciting, but it did provide a guide for my research project, more importantly, for my research proposal; moreover, I am positive it is a guide that I will refer to if and when I have to complete another research project.


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