While constructing the first 1,500 words of Project 2, I started to believe I actually understood what I was doing. Sadly, after meeting with Mat I realized that I did not. Do not get wrong, most of my draft was headed in the right direction but some parts of it were off, completely off at that. I was confused on how to elaborate on “genre” within my paper, considering it just did not fit with my community. I was also confused on how to explain my community and what key points I should include in my background. Talking with Mat was more than helpful; I am no longer confused. However, now I am facing another issue. I am dreading completing the last 500 words of the paper. I have never had to type a paper of this length and I am not enjoying it all. I know a lot of students do not mind lengthy papers because they feel they have much to say, but I am the complete opposite. In papers, I am short and sweet, so I tend to run out of words. I know I am capable of reaching the word count; nonetheless, the process of doing so has been quite tedious.